GITA 1 - Dominic Nguyen

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This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. It's my 2nd year of computer science. It was difficult to learn in the beginning, but after I got the hang of it, it was fun to play around with and use.

If you would like to download a project to see it for yourself, click on the button above it!

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Company About Page


In this project, we had to create an about page for a fake company that we made up. It taught us the basics of creating labels, buttons, and the basic interface of Visual Studios.

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Mailing Label


In this project, we had to create a mailing label that would paste in information using a user input, teaching us variables as well as using pictureboxes as the mailing label had to have one. This project also taught me to use multiple forms.

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Car Rental


In this project, we had to code a program that would simulate a real car rental company's. We also learned how to do calculations in visual studios as well as learning about parsing, radio buttons, and working on user inputs.

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BMI Calculator


In this project, we had to make a calculator that would take an input from the user and calculate a BMI and give the user a week diet plan. This taught us how to use try and catch.

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Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we had to upgrade our Car Rental project with many new features. This taught us how to do more math using C# and it was difficult having so many variables at once.

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Triangle Checker


In this project, we had to create a program that would take 3 inputs and tell the user if the inputs would create a triangle. This tested our math skills in c# and proved a difficult challenge. Mine is a bit broken.

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Craps Game


In this project, we learned how to use random numbers and we used that to make the casino game called Craps. It was very fun to make and play with.

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Slot Machine


In this project, we had to create a slot machine that again used the randomizing function of C# to have different outcomes with money input functions. The many different variables and inputs gave it some challenge to code, but it was pretty easy in the end.

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Vex VRC Over Under Calculator


In this project, we had to create a program that judges of the Vex VRC Over Under Game would use to score each match. This is in my opinion, the hardest project that we had to create that wasn't that final. Mine barely works.

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Incremental Game


In this project, we had to create an Incremental like game with many different features. An incremental game is a game like cookie clicker. In this project, we learned how to use sound, timers, and event handling. To play the game, download the debug folder and click on "Incremental Game - Dominic Nguyen.EXE".

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Spooky Staircase


In this project, we had to create a game where a person would randomly move in a direction on a staircase and when they got to one end, something would pop out and a noise would play. We learned how to use arrays for this project. It was very fun to code but hard to get the randomizing part right, but it got easier in the end. To play this, open the folder and click on "Spooky Staircase - Dominic Nguyen.EXE"

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AI Chase


In this project, we had to create a game where the player had to run away from an AI and kill it. It was kind of difficult to code, and we learned how to use the Visual Studio coordinate system as well as events. Mine is a bit broken. To play this, open the folder and click on "AI Chase - Dominic Nguyen.EXE"

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2D Submarine


In this project, we had to create a program that would spawn 2 submarines on a 2D array and show it on picturboxes. After pressing a button, they would move to a random location in their immidiate vicinity and tell if they bumped into eachother or hit the wall. We learned how to use 2D arrays for this project, and it was very difficult to code because there were so many checks and things to do.

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Fishing Simulator


In this project, we had to create a game where you would control a hook on a boat that moved side to side and try to catch as many fish as you can before the shark at them all. This project was hard to code because it required many different loops to keep track of all the entities, but that was the only really difficult part.

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Tic Tac Toe


In this project, we had to create a project that would let 2 users play Tic-Tac-Toe and it would keep track of wins, losses, and ties.

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Math Menu


In this project, we had to create a program that would be able to identify types of numbers in a given range. This project really tested our math skills in C#, and was some parts were difficult to code, especially the Prime numbers.

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Simple Board Game


In this project, we had to create a program that would allow one player to play a board game that we got to customize fully. It was really fun to make with all the cool features that each board game had. To play this, open the folder and double click on "Simple Board Game.exe"

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Bee Simulator


In this project, we had to create a program that would spawn a bee from a hive that would go to a flower and come back after the user pressed space. We also had to code a special feature into the game. We learned how to use array lists for this project. To play this, open the downloaded folder and double click on "Bee Simulator.exe"